Description: The Red Green Show is a comedy series set in Canada that follows Red Green, members of the Possum Lodge, and various other characters in a mock-DIY show atmosphere. This DVD contains the 2000 season of the popular show and depicts Red (actor and comedian Steve Smith) as a handyman with advice for every man. The insanity of his inventions, the humor of his advice, and the hijinks that ensue make for a hilarious season that showcases all that the show has to offer. The Red Green Show and its 2000 series explains to the members at the Possum Lodge how to cook a thanksgiving dinner in one's car, how to make a snowmobile out of recycled household items and several other complete ridiculous inventions and improvisations. The DVD of this comedy series contains all the episodes from the season. Although one of the main characters (Harold played by Patrick McKenna) is only present in one episode of this season, the humor of the show remains strong. The Red Green Show is a popular TV series that is innocently funny and entertaining.
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All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Edition: Collector's Edition
Actor: Steve Smith, Rick Green, Patrick Mckenna
Rating: NR
Movie/TV Title: Redgreen Show
Format: DVD
Release Year: 2008
Genre: TV Shows, Comedy