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color:#fff;} .tongtool-tag-off{ width:50px;height:50px; background:url( no-repeat; position:absolute; top:-3px;left:2px; z-index:99; text-align:center; color:#fff; font-size:0.875em; } .tongtool-tag-off span{display:inline-block; margin-top:5px; line-height:15px;} Product Description Amarine Made RV Exterior Shower Box Kit Faucet Hose Camper Shower Cowboy Shower Specification Handle Type: Dual Knob. Dimensions: 12-3/8" width x 8-3/8" height. Cutout dimensions: 10-3/4" width x 5-3/4" height x 3-11/16" depth. Plastic underbody and compression valve,with 59" vinyl hose. Feature The Exterior Shower Kit Box with 59" Vinyl Hose is an outdoor shower unit by Amarine Made. This product has a plastic underbody and compression valve with a white finish. The following features are included: dual knobs, quick shut-off, 59" vinyl hose, swivel hands-free bracket, and a fade-resistant case with a key lock. About Us Payment Shipping Terms Returns Please contact us before leaving negative feedback, your feedback is very important to us. If you are satisfied with our prouduct and service, leave feedback would be much appreciated.Thanks a lot!!! Please take considerate care of the goods and return it to us in its original condition which is required for a return eligibility. All items considered for exchange or refund must be returned in "as new" condition, complete with all packaging materials, otherwise the item will be considered used item and may be considered for trade-in purposes only.Pls contact us at first! PayPal is Accepted & Preferred - We accept payment through PayPal as it is safest and quickest mode of payment which not only enables us to expedite your shipment speedily but also protects every one's interest. Product will be dispatched within 1-3 working day as soon as payment is cleared. Item will be shipped from our local warehouses. The system will automatically despatched the item from one of the warehouse. Lifetime warranty against manufacture defect. Replace/return are available if buyers receive wrong/damaged/defective items. For replacement or return , buyer should keep the item in acceptable packing. Before replace or return ,buyer should submit proof to us by pics if possible. Anyway ,by nice communications ,we can find a way to make you satisfied. Please contact the seller within 30 days after receiving the item Return shipping will be paid by the buyer About Us Please contact us before leaving negative feedback, your feedback is very important to us. If you are satisfied with our prouduct and service, leave feedback would be much appreciated.Thanks a lot!!! Please take considerate care of the goods and return it to us in its original condition which is required for a return eligibility. All items considered for exchange or refund must be returned in "as new" condition, complete with all packaging materials, otherwise the item will be considered used item and may be considered for trade-in purposes only.Pls contact us at first! Payment PayPal is Accepted & Preferred - We accept payment through PayPal as it is safest and quickest mode of payment which not only enables us to expedite your shipment speedily but also protects every one's interest. Shipping Product will be dispatched within 1-3 working day as soon as payment is cleared. Item will be shipped from our local warehouses. The system will automatically despatched the item from one of the warehouse. Terms Lifetime warranty against manufacture defect. Replace/return are available if buyers receive wrong/damaged/defective items. For replacement or return , buyer should keep the item in acceptable packing. Before replace or return ,buyer should submit proof to us by pics if possible. Anyway ,by nice communications ,we can find a way to make you satisfied. Returns Please contact the seller within 30 days after receiving the item Return shipping will be paid by the buyer powered by .tongtool-related h3{width:100%;font-weight: bold;height: 40px;line-height: 40px;padding-left: 12px;} You may also like 100 Pack Foam Sponges Magic Sponges Cleaning Kitchen Bathroom Wall 49.49 USD54.99 USD Free shipping 10%off Rod Holder 30 Degree Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Flush Mount UV Resistant (2PCS) 32.39 USD35.99 USD Free shipping 10%off 2 PCS Stainless Clamp on Fishing Rod Holder for Rails 7/8" to 1" 22mm to 25mm 38.69 USD42.99 USD Free shipping 10%off 1 Inch Standard Underwater Ball Clamp Mount for 1 Inch Ball Clamp Black (2 Pack) 17.99 USD19.99 USD Free shipping 10%off YaeKoo 4PC 59" Velvet Rope Crowd Control Stanchion Post Queue Line Barrier Black 26.99 USD29.99 USD Free shipping 10%off 24V 1.6 GPM 100FT Submersible Deep Well Water Pump Stainless Steel Well Pump 98.99 USD109.99 USD Free shipping 10%off BAT Rack Wakeboard Tower Boat Board Rack Wake Board Holder Bracket for 2 3/8" US 109.8 USD Free shipping 20° Outrigger Stylish Fishing Rod Holder Sliler Polished Stainless Steel (2PCS) 53.99 USD59.99 USD Free shipping 10%off Amarine Made 2Pack Boat Stainless Steel Hold Down 90D Clamp-Locking Cam Latch 29.69 USD32.99 USD Free shipping 10%off 10FT Adjustable Fire Hose Bulk Jacket-Chafe Guard Protection for Dock Lines 14.39 USD15.99 USD Free shipping 10%off Amarine Made 1X Stainless Steel Clamp on Fishing Rod Holder for Rails 7/8" to 1" 35.99 USD39.99 USD Free shipping 10%off 2 Pack Polished Stainless Outrigger Stylish Boat Fishing Rod Holder Adjustable 62.99 USD69.99 USD Free shipping 10%off On Jul 11, 2024 at 09:58:38 PDT, seller added the following information:
Price: 43.99 USD
Location: Multiple Cities
End Time: 2024-08-25T03:04:49.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer
All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Refund will be given as: Money Back
Return policy details:
MPN: SO-0006-WT
Country/Region of Manufacture: China
Material: Plastic
Brand: Amarine Made
Color: White
Number of Faucet Holes: 1
Type: Tub and Shower