Description: Marketing Mastery Boot Camp For Real Estate EntrepreneursWith Richard Roop & Dan Doran…How to solve all your creative real estate marketing, sales and negotiating challenges in just 4 days… guaranteed!September 30 – October 3, 2008 in Dallas, TXDiscover how to get a $5,000 collection of real estate investor marketing and sales tools, software, consulting, home study materials and live training for FREE!From the Desk of Dan Doran…Dear Fellow Investor,I’d be GUILTY of a crime if I didn’t give you a chance to get everything Richard Roop and I are giving away free. My name is Dan Doran. I head up Richard’s coaching department for real estate investors. I hope you read this in time. I suggest you drop everything, take the phone off the hook and dim the lights… but seriously, it’s important.Marketing is the key to any business. Buying and selling houses is one of the best businesses on the planet. Every real estate investor will eventually discover that becoming a master marketer and top notch negotiator is the “fast track” to becoming super successful. We offer the most comprehensive marketing instruction and support to real estate entrepreneurs. I invite you to let us become part of your dream team.Our “Marketing Mastery” program is not just an event, but an entire support system. So when you consider attending this 4-day boot camp experience, you also need to look at all you get before the event… and after the event… which is all carefully orchestrated to create maximum results and real estate profits for you.———————————-“ This was a fantastic learning experience filled to the brim with awesome, incredibly powerful money making strategies which have motivated me to take action (I decided to semi retire before this event) and take my R.E. Investing career to the next level. The quality of the attendees was top flight, top achievers. Your seminars are absolutely positively the best.” — D.A. Taft, Florida———————————-So first…Richard still continues to improve his popular “Instant Marketing Tool Generator” software packages. It’s incredible. You can instantly customize and use all of Richard’s best marketing tools for both buying and selling houses. That includes his latest and greatest stuff. It’s normally $1,497.We want to send you a FREE copy of this $1,497 collection of essential profit producing marketing tools immediately…Each customizable “template” included in this software is designed to grab attention and produce maximum response.1. It spits out everything you can imagine for powerful print marketing including: classified ads, advertorials, space ads, yellow page ads, door-to-door flyers, newspaper inserts, door hangers, post it notes, Richard’s “jump off the page” ads and cheap mini-flyers.2. It helps you create cheap and free tools for electronic marketing including: emails, free special reports, web pages, radio ads and voice mail scripts.3. It creates everything for high-impact direct mail marketing including: letters, several handwritten letter examples, oversized postcards, “ ready” postcards and cooperative mailers.4. It EVEN generates the artwork needed for ordering promotional tools like: customized yard signs, billboards, $100 bill business cards, $100 bill flyers, “lumpy mail items” and proven advertising specialties.———————————- “ Hope all is well. It was a pleasure meeting you, Dan, and Rena in Orlando last month. You guys put on a great event and really over delivered…I left with more additional knowledge and enthusiasm than I would have thought possible. Since I have been back, I have implemented a number of your strategies…but one really has really taken off…the Post it Notes. How about this for ROI: 8000 post-it notes delivered since Nov. 18 (total cost for printing & delivery $920) generating… Over 225 calls to my free recorded message line… Of those, over 50 have called my office line direct for more info… Generating 20+ appointments, 12 offers, and 5 signed contracts (4 subject to’s & one 100% owner finance). Also have 4 or 5 good longer term potential deals. Projected net equity from the 5 deals thus far approximately $120,000… Not a bad couple of weeks….Thanks! I have been doing about 1 deal a month over the past year part time…but with the results of this last campaign…I have decided to go full time Jan 1st. Here’s to a great 2005…thanks for all your assistance…I could have not done it without you”. — Todd Senff, Ohio“I wanted to let you know that I adapted your advertorial to our company… I then ran it for four weeks straight in a ‘weekly Shoppers Rag’…Unbelievable response. We are average a house a week! Seven so far…. and the costs $900.00. I had the article matted and framed for my office. Thanks so much for that idea… ” — Richard Paradis, Orlando, FL“Hi Richard, I DID IT!! I got my first subject to. I’ve had 13 phone calls, 2 showings, and 1 deal from my first postcard mailing. I signed her up last night… Thanks for everything…” — P. Davis, Colorado“You won’t find a better flyer for buying houses than the one you can get from Richard.” — Ron LeGrand“With the help of Richard’s materials we were able to purchase 8 houses in less than 8 months and have already made conservatively over $58,500.” — Jeff Backer, Jr., Minnesota ———————————-We will ship you the “Instant Marketing Tool Generator” software CD (which includes a ton of additional free bonuses) and 7 instructional audio CDs immediately when you enroll for the next boot camp. You can also download the software TODAY using the special website link and password you get by return email once enrolled.———————————- “ Great seminar! I especially appreciate the information on the instant marketing tool generator… Thanks.” — Mark Venson, Maryland“Richard, The 2nd set of postcards went out just before Mother’s Day weekend. Not one call. We were very stressed. Monday morning the phone started ringing for 3 days and has not stopped. We have had 6 or 7 calls with 8 or 9 deals. Several “subject to” and two needing private money. The phone is ringing before we can do the comps on the others. Yikes, this is great! And we closed on our first “postcard house” this week too. We have let things sort themselves out like you said and have made 2 offers so far. We have looked at 3 homes…. And the phone keeps ringing… Thanks so very much for your expertise and experience and allowing us to use it and get ourselves fast started. We appreciate your time and patience in helping us get all the contract papers correct.” — Barb & Tom Adkins“I wanted to tell you that your postcard has gotten rave reviews. We talked to a man in foreclosure today who had received your postcard from us. He has gotten many, many postcards, letters, phone calls, and visits. The postcard stood out from all the rest because of the headline and that is why he called us… I really enjoyed your boot camp. It was peaceful environment and I was able to focus and learn, unlike some of the other boot camps I have been to.” — Libby Krause, North Carolina ———————————- And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Now check out this $1,297 free bonus… You will have acces to the product in fee hours after the payment is done. This is the best and fast way of shipping this product to you. Please contact me if you will have any kind of questions and I will be glad to help you.
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