Indicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for Kitchen

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Sale, You May Need /p /div div class="con_box _1" a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Donut Pillow Donut Pillow Soft PP Cotton Stuffed Pillow New Year Decoration /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 13.79 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Angel Wings Prop Color Angel Feather Wings Lightweight Costume Cosplay /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 10.57 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Insect Proof Net Effective Diy Mosquito Net Door Window Curtain Mesh 3 Colors /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 7.72 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Funny 3D Golf Ball Hit Window Crack Car Windshield Decals PVC Decal Sticker /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 9.52 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Storage Bag Breathable Durable Artisan Boule Bread Linen Bags with Drawstring /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 8.08 /p /a /div /div !-- 产品 -- div class="banner_tab" dl class="_l_category" dt Categories /dt dd a href="" target="_blank" Other span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd /dl !--PC端-- div class="_con_box" div class="_title" h3 Indicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for Kitchen /h3 /div div class="r_banner" div class="tablist" div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio1" name="test-radio" checked div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio2" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio3" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio4" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio5" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio6" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio7" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio8" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio9" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio10" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div /div div class="tabmenu" input type="radio" class="test-label_li" id="radio_li_1" name="test-radio_li" checked input type="radio" class="test-label_li" id="radio_li_2" name="test-radio_li" input type="radio" class="test-label_li" id="radio_li_3" name="test-radio_li" div class="_li" div class="_label" label for="radio1" class="test-label" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /label 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/label /div div class="_li_btn _bottom" label for="radio_li_1" class="test-label_li" /label label for="radio_li_2" class="test-label_li" /label label for="radio_li_3" class="test-label_li" /label /div /div /div /div !--移动端-- div class="move_container" input type="radio" id="pic1" name="pic" checked / input type="radio" id="pic2" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic3" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic4" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic5" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic6" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic7" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic8" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic9" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic10" name="pic"/ div class="wrap" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div div class="arrow left" label for="pic1" /label label for="pic2" /label label for="pic3" /label label for="pic4" /label label for="pic5" /label label for="pic6" /label label for="pic7" /label label for="pic8" /label label for="pic9" /label label for="pic10" /label /div div class="arrow right" label for="pic1" /label label for="pic2" /label label for="pic3" /label label for="pic4" /label label for="pic5" /label label for="pic6" /label label for="pic7" /label label for="pic8" /label label for="pic9" /label label for="pic10" /label /div /div /div !-- 产品描述 -- div class="cp_describe" div class="con_box" Description: br Are you tired of guessing whether the dishes in your dishwasher are clean or dirty? say goodbye to confusion with our dishwasher magnet clean dirty sign! this stylish and functional magnet features a smooth wood grain design and a strong magnet, making it easy to between clean and dirty sides. Measuring 17. 75. 20. 5cm, this large magnet is perfect for use on dishwashers, washers, dryers, or any other magnetic surface in your home. br But what sets our dishwasher magnet apart is the optional extra sticky stickers included, allowing you to use it on non-magnetic surfaces as well. The rustic farmhouse decor adds a timeless and stylish touch to any kitchen, making it a perfect wedding registry project or gift for a loved one. br With its eye-catching design and practical functionality, this dishwasher magnet is a must-have kitchen accessory for homes and apartments. Add a touch of charm to your kitchen with this cute and functional clean dirty sign! order yours today and make your kitchen chores a breeze. br Item Name: Dishwasher Magnet br Material: Synthetic Resin br Features: Rustic, Farmhouse, Double-sided Strong Magnetic br Size Detail: br L: 17.7cm/6.97", W: 5.2cm/2.05", H: 0.5cm/0.2" (Approx.) br br Notes: br Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. br br Package Includes: br 1 x Dishwasher Magnet div class='images' /div /div /div !-- 关联营销 -- div class="marketing" div class="marketing_title" p New Arrival, You May Like /p /div div class="con_box" a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Christmas Hairband Smooth Fix Hair Cute Kids Cartoon Deer Ears Headband Cartoon /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 9.78 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Hose Spray Nozzle Adjustable Multi-use Car Wash Nozzle Cleaning Tool Efficiency /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 7.25 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Pizza Pan Reusable Wear-resistant Non-stick Pizza Tray Pan Round /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 8.66 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" 1 Set Vacuum Cleaner 5500pa Dust Removal Electric Cordless Vacuum Cleaner /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 14.47 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Desk Electronic Clock Decorative Easy Operation Mini Digital Desktop Clock Gift /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 7.18 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Serving Spoon Eco-friendly Long Handle Dishwasher Safe Cereal Spoon Portable /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 6.42 /p /a /div /div !-- 平台政策 -- div class="policy" div class="label_btn" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio1_1" name="test-radio1" checked label for="radio1_1" class="test-label" Payment /label input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio2_1" name="test-radio1" label for="radio2_1" class="test-label" Shipping /label input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio3_1" name="test-radio1" label for="radio3_1" class="test-label" Return /label input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio4_1" name="test-radio1" label for="radio4_1" class="test-label" Contact Us /label div class="tab_box" div id="test-tab_1" class="test-tab" div class="content" 1. We acceptPayPal,Credit card,Debit card,Apple Pay,Google Pay ect as payment. br/ 2. Please be sure your shipping address is correct before make a payment. br/ p style="padding-top: 20px;" src="$_27.PNG" style="width: auto;min-height: 30px" /p /div /div div id="test-tab_2" class="test-tab" div class="content" 1. We ship to your eBay or Paypal address. Please make sure your eBay and Paypal address is correct before you pay. br/ 2. Items will be shipped within 1-7 business days when we received payment. br/ 3. Delivery time depends on destination and other factors. br/ 4. International buyers please note: p style="padding-left: 20px" a. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are buyer's responsibility. We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties. br/ b. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying. br/ /p p style="padding-top: 20px;" src="$_27.PNG" style="width: auto;min-height: 30px" /p /div /div div id="test-tab_3" class="test-tab" div class="content" 30 DAY RETURN POLICY br/ Customer Satisfaction is our main goal, all items are quality checked prior to being listed and sent out. Please contact us prior to leaving any Negative Feedback and allow us to make things right! br/ If you not satisfied with it please include the original packaging and return form & tracking number otherwise the return may take longer to process the refund. Once we have received the item and inspected it we will issue the refund or resend within 1-7 business days. br/ /div /div div id="test-tab_4" class="test-tab" div class="content" Please contact us in time if any enquriy under any circumstances. We greatly appreciate your positive feedback and we'll do the same to you. 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Price: 9.34 USD

Location: Walnut, California

End Time: 2025-01-13T03:40:28.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Indicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for KitchenIndicator Magnet Dishwasher Farmhouse Dishwasher Magnet Double-sided for Kitchen

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Brand: Unbranded

Type: Fridge Magnets

Available Variations

Color: Silver

Price: 9.34 USD

Available Quantity: 2

Quantity Sold: 0

Color: Black

Price: 9.85 USD

Available Quantity: 2

Quantity Sold: 0


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