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.tongtool-related .price span{color: #777777;cursor: pointer;font-size: 12px;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: line-through;} .specialRelate .tongtool-related .shipping{color:#999;font-family: Verdana,sans-serif !important;font-size: 11px;font-weight: normal;line-height: 13px;min-height: 13px;text-align: left;padding-bottom:8px;} .specialRelate .tongtool-related ul li div:hover{background:#111;border:solid 1px #111} .specialRelate .tongtool-related ul li:hover .title a{ color:#FC4243;} .specialRelate .tongtool-related ul li:hover .price b{ color:#fff;} .tongtool-tag-off{ width:50px;height:50px; background:url( no-repeat; position:absolute; top:-3px;left:2px; z-index:99; text-align:center; color:#fff; font-size:0.875em; } .tongtool-tag-off span{display:inline-block; margin-top:5px; line-height:15px;} Product Description 120V AC 1Gpm Bottled Water Dispensing Pump System Replaces Bunn Flojet AmarineM Product description Compact for easy mounting Automatic shut off when bottle is empty Built-in check valve prevents backflow Fits a variety of bottles Positive displacement pump Smooth flow and quiet operation Automatic pump operating Easy bottle change Feature This Bottled Water Pump is designed to pump water from commercially available water bottles. The system delivers the bottled water under pressure to a sink mounted drinking water faucet, or to the water inlet of a refrigerator, icemaker, coffee brewer or other equipment. The suction wand, when inserted into the water bottle, activates the float switch on the pump. This float switch also shuts off the system when the bottle is empty. Specifications Voltage: 120V AC Flow capacity: 1 Gallon per minute (3.78 Liters per minute) Max Water Pressure: 40 PSI Operating Pressure: 30 PSI Hose Outlets: 20ft 1/4" Diameter Hose Included Approvals: CE Voltage: 120V AC Applications Refrigerator Water and Ice Maker Coffee Makers Espresso Makers Water Dispensers Sinks Anywhere else on-demand water supply is needed Includes -(1) Pump Module with On/Off Rocker Switch (w/ 6 ft 120v AC Power Cord) -(1) Suction Wand and Hose Assembly -(1) 20 Feet of ¼” Discharge Piping -(1) Optional Refrigerator Fitting -(1) Set of Instructions Included About Us Payment Shipping Terms Returns Please contact us before leaving negative feedback, your feedback is very important to us. If you are satisfied with our prouduct and service, leave feedback would be much appreciated.Thanks a lot!!! Please take considerate care of the goods and return it to us in its original condition which is required for a return eligibility. All items considered for exchange or refund must be returned in "as new" condition, complete with all packaging materials, otherwise the item will be considered used item and may be considered for trade-in purposes only.Pls contact us at first! PayPal is Accepted & Preferred - We accept payment through PayPal as it is safest and quickest mode of payment which not only enables us to expedite your shipment speedily but also protects every one's interest. Product will be dispatched within 1-3 working day as soon as payment is cleared. Item will be shipped from our local warehouses. The system will automatically despatched the item from one of the warehouse. Lifetime warranty against manufacture defect. Replace/return are available if buyers receive wrong/damaged/defective items. For replacement or return , buyer should keep the item in acceptable packing. Before replace or return ,buyer should submit proof to us by pics if possible. Anyway ,by nice communications ,we can find a way to make you satisfied. Please contact the seller within 30 days after receiving the item Return shipping will be paid by the buyer About Us Please contact us before leaving negative feedback, your feedback is very important to us. If you are satisfied with our prouduct and service, leave feedback would be much appreciated.Thanks a lot!!! Please take considerate care of the goods and return it to us in its original condition which is required for a return eligibility. All items considered for exchange or refund must be returned in "as new" condition, complete with all packaging materials, otherwise the item will be considered used item and may be considered for trade-in purposes only.Pls contact us at first! Payment PayPal is Accepted & Preferred - We accept payment through PayPal as it is safest and quickest mode of payment which not only enables us to expedite your shipment speedily but also protects every one's interest. Shipping Product will be dispatched within 1-3 working day as soon as payment is cleared. Item will be shipped from our local warehouses. The system will automatically despatched the item from one of the warehouse. Terms Lifetime warranty against manufacture defect. Replace/return are available if buyers receive wrong/damaged/defective items. For replacement or return , buyer should keep the item in acceptable packing. Before replace or return ,buyer should submit proof to us by pics if possible. Anyway ,by nice communications ,we can find a way to make you satisfied. Returns Please contact the seller within 30 days after receiving the item Return shipping will be paid by the buyer powered by .tongtool-related h3{width:100%;font-weight: bold;height: 40px;line-height: 40px;padding-left: 12px;} You may also like 4Pack Adjustable Folding Cup Drink Holder Stainless Boat Marine Table RV Caravan 61.19 USD Free shipping 12V 16-1/8'' Marine Boat Stainless Steel Single Trumpet Horn Low Tone US SHIP 35.82 USD Free shipping 6" Non Slip Inspection Hatch Plate Boat Deck Hatch Access Cover White ABS 2 Pack 23.22 USD Free shipping 6PCS Eye End 4PCS Jaw Slide 2PCS Bow Bimini Top Fittings Deck Hinge Fit 1'' US 49.48 USD Free shipping Amarine Made Marine Access Hatch Deck Hatch Access Hatch and Lid 24" X 14" White 62.82 USD Free shipping 3-Step Telescoping Ladder Under Platform Slide Mount Boat Board Stainless Steel 80.09 USD Free shipping Amarine Made 3 Steps Ladder Boat Out-Board Outboard Swim Fiberglass Platform 134.98 USD Free shipping 3 Step Ladder Pontoon Boat Board Swim Teak Platform Stainless Steel Marine Boat 143.99 USD Free shipping 3 Steps Boat Ladder Outboard Transom Platform Telescoping for Swimming Pool Dock 143.99 USD Free shipping 2x 1/2 Inch 20 FT Double Braid Nylon Dock Line Marine Boat Mooring Tow Rope 17.99 USD Free shipping 2 PCS Boat Yacht Marine Flag Pole Rail Mount Boat Pulpit Staff 7/8" to 1-1/4" 19.79 USD21.99 USD Free shipping 10%off 12V Automatic Submersible Boat Bilge Water Pump Auto 1100GPH US Amarine-made 26.09 USD28.99 USD Free shipping 10%off
Price: 64.99 USD
Location: Azusa, California
End Time: 2024-08-22T07:28:50.000Z
Shipping Cost: N/A USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer
Returns Accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Return policy details:
Brand: 9milelake
Manufacturer Part Number: Does Not Apply
California Prop 65 Warning: None
Country/Region of Manufacture: China
Flow capacity: 1 Gallon per minute (3.78 Liters per minute)