Description: Yes we combine shipping for multiple purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1987 January Cycle Guide Motorcycle Magazine BMW K75S Harley-Davidson Low Rider ROLLING BACK THE CURTAIN ON 198723 PREVIEW ’87 hard-chrome dream machines—by Jerry SmithTESTS48505264BMW K75S sport-touring triple threat—by Marc CookLONG-TERM TEST: HONDA VFR750 INTERCEPTORsuspended sentence—by Mike GilliesHARLEY-DAVIDSON LOW-RIDER FXRS SPORT EDITIa boulevard brawler in running shoes—by Marc CookHONDA CR250R a study in dirty perfection—by David DewhurstFEATURES3740445863ENGLISH FERRY LOSIESIN OHIO one-way ticketto Isle of Man via Cincinnati—by Riley TharpMY STUFF personal best—by Tim BroddBARGAIN CLASSIC: HONDA CB400F middleweightmilestone—by Jerry SmithSIDEWAYS IN THE STADIUMS what, no brakes?—by Joe KressOUR OWN SPEEDWAY FLYER Super K takeson The Italian Sidestand—by Dam GingerelliPRODUCT EVALUATIONS___________68 FOX SOFT-LEATHER SPORT-RIDING JACKETa fit to be tried—by Bill WolfGUIDE LINES_______________________________13 COMING SOON desert-dwelling Boxer and a K75 inWULF’s clothing18 RUMORS hot off the rumor mill and onto the streetSPORT LINES_______________________70 WINNERS AND LOSERS, 1986 passed tense77 PIT BITS Bubba turns eighteenCOLUMNS & DEPTS91012CYCLE GUIDE’S CYCLE GUIDE department offactual verificationVOICE FROM THE WILDERNESS don’t take the car...LETTERS does anyone know where Billy Pound lives?MOTOMART Santa’s little helper82 SETTING IT RIGHT a skewed look at aerodynamics And much more! 15705 RL- 8992 8993 8994 8995